Swiss Association for Responsible Investment (SVVK – ASIR)
Foundation of SVVK – ASIR
On 3 December 2015 the following institutions founded the "Swiss Association for Responsible Investment (SVVK – ASIR )": Pension fund of the canton of Zurich (BVK), compenswiss (Social Security Funds AHV/IV/EO), comPlan, Pension fund for the postal service, Pension fund for the federal railways (SBB), Public pension fund PUBLICA and Suva. The founding members of SVVK – ASIR manage a total of over CHF 150 billion in assets. The fiduciary duty of the founding members requires an extension of the investment process to include ESG criteria (Environment, Social, Governance). The foundation of SVVK – ASIR enables its members to fulfil this duty in the most efficient way possible.
Integration of ESG themes into risk management
When it comes to complying with ESG criteria, SVVK – ASIR creates the greatest possible transparency for its members by collaborating with the companies in the investment universe. This allows SVVK – ASIR to integrate ESG criteria as part of the risk management process in the investment activity of its members. Using the services of SVVK – ASIR, the founding members can optimize the fiduciary management of the funds in an appropriate and efficient manner – all in the interests of the beneficiaries.
Swiss norms and values
The founding members of SVVK – ASIR provide their services for the benefit of a large and representative part of the Swiss population. It is thus natural that the laws and regulations resulting from the democratic consensus as well as international agreements and conventions (e.g. the Convention on Cluster Munitions) should be taken as the basis for the definition of ESG criteria. The international agreements concluded by Switzerland also largely align with the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact, to which more than 8’000 companies from 145 countries belong.
Dialogue with companies
By screening and monitoring the investment universe of its members, SVVK – ASIR identifies problematic companies based on ESG criteria, focusing its analysis on foreign and global companies. A dialogue process is then initiated with companies classified as problematic. SVVK – ASIR considers engagement to be the most effective tool to support the interests of its members. Specialized external investment providers with the relevant network and expertise are appointed to engage in the dialogue.
Exclusion list as a last resort
If direct dialogue has taken place with a company identified as problematic, but has led to no improvement, SVVK – ASIR reserves the right to put this company on an exclusion list. This list is regularly updated and made available to SVVK – ASIR members. The decision to eliminate a title from the portfolio fully remains with each member of the association. The SVVK – ASIR exclusion list is published on the association’s website.
Membership is open to large Swiss institutional investors such as pension funds, social security funds and insurance companies.
Information on members
For more information on the members, please visit their respective website.
Board of Directors:
BVK | |
compenswiss | |
comPlan | |
Mobiliar | |
Publica | |
SBB Pensionskasse | |
Suva |
Asga | |
blpk | |
Migros-Pensionskasse MPK | |
Pensionskasse Post |
For further information on SVVK – ASIR, please visit its website at: